:: RINI EKAYATI ::5.10.16

5 Tips in Learning English

Learning second language now day is a necessity in some countries, like Indonesia. This is one of the effect from globalization. English as one of the international language begins to become one of the foreign language learned in Indonesia. There are many English courses available from beginning until advance level. From children around 6 and so on, they start join to follow English course. In fact, from the beginning level of their study (SD), they already start to learn English as one of their subject at school. This situation may cause problems for them, since they still at the level of learning Bahasa Indonesia as the language of their nation, and English as one of their foreign language.

For the adult learner, studying language like English is not an easy matter as well. They face problems as many as the young learner. The nature of English language which is not been familiar for them may be one of the factors. The system of the English language may cause another problems. In fact, language as skill need to be practice. Language learners should find a suitable way of learning the language they learn, for example English.

Taken from www.toeflgoanywhere.org/, there are 5 tips for learning English quickly. They are:
1. listen as much as you can
2. practice English with a partner
3. read children's book and comic book in English
4. take advantage of free online media
5. believe in your self

Let us figure them out one by one.
By listening to an English conversation or dialogue, it may help English learner practice their listening skill. It is also one of the effective way in building students' vocabulary and speaking skills. Then, learners should practice also with partners. Partners can help learners to understand each other about different topics that been talked about through questions, and it also help learners to practice their English skills. In term of reading, children's book and comic in English may help learners to put word into context and make the learning process much easier and fun. It may decrease the stress point in learning English itself. Further, the internet access which is widespread now can be use as one of the concrete tool in learning English. The online material of English are now available for free. So, there is no reason for learners to be stuck on limited learning sources. Finally, believe in yourself is another greater assets that learners should have. It may help you in the process of achieving your goal. "Take risk and do not be afraid to make mistake", make it as your motto. Mistake is an opportunities to learn more. By time, learners can speak English with fully confidence.


:: RINI EKAYATI ::1.10.16

Hi, there!

Start blogging after a long time. It had been a long time since the last time I updated this blog. I had finished my study at Faculty of Art, Department of Linguistics, Delhi University, India. Now, I'm a lecturer. This is a new adventure in my life. There were many things happened a long the journey, and it almost seven years now since I started as a lecturer. For the first time I entered my first session class, it was an amazing moment. I felt like it was a dream come true. Even I never planned to be a teacher, but I found my life in sharing knowledge with other. The class was a big class, there were 43 students there. The subject that I delivered was Prose and Poetry. What a subject! I like prose and I do like poem, but I never teach about it before. I just learned it at the faculty for my bachelor degree. So, it was a new experience for me. Trembling and my body shaking a little bit. In fact, I had to do it. I felt a little awkward at the first time. I tried so hard not to show it to my students. The time run so slow, I thought. Step by step, I started to fell comfortable with the situation in the class. The students were so nice, they helped me a lot. They respected me so much, and served me with good attitude, thanks all! You were awesome. Finally, the session came to its end. I thanked to Allah, SWT, that everything run well at the class. Actually, there were many stories created during this journey until now. I tell you later, OK! I have a class now, so see you later..


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