:: RINI EKAYATI ::1.10.16

Hi, there!

Start blogging after a long time. It had been a long time since the last time I updated this blog. I had finished my study at Faculty of Art, Department of Linguistics, Delhi University, India. Now, I'm a lecturer. This is a new adventure in my life. There were many things happened a long the journey, and it almost seven years now since I started as a lecturer. For the first time I entered my first session class, it was an amazing moment. I felt like it was a dream come true. Even I never planned to be a teacher, but I found my life in sharing knowledge with other. The class was a big class, there were 43 students there. The subject that I delivered was Prose and Poetry. What a subject! I like prose and I do like poem, but I never teach about it before. I just learned it at the faculty for my bachelor degree. So, it was a new experience for me. Trembling and my body shaking a little bit. In fact, I had to do it. I felt a little awkward at the first time. I tried so hard not to show it to my students. The time run so slow, I thought. Step by step, I started to fell comfortable with the situation in the class. The students were so nice, they helped me a lot. They respected me so much, and served me with good attitude, thanks all! You were awesome. Finally, the session came to its end. I thanked to Allah, SWT, that everything run well at the class. Actually, there were many stories created during this journey until now. I tell you later, OK! I have a class now, so see you later..


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